Part.1 CMEF中國國際醫療器械博覽會是中國醫療器械行業的盛會,吸引全球醫療器械行業的參展商和觀眾。 Part.2建中醫療派出強大的參展團隊,展出醫用器械包裝、器械原材料、感染控制用品等產品,備受海內外專業人士的青睞。 Part.3建中醫療將繼續努力,為客戶提供更好的產品和服務,為醫療器械...Read more »
Medica德國醫療展作為全球綜合類醫療展會,是企業開拓歐洲市場的優質展會平臺。它引領著世界醫療行業的發展方向,同時也是醫療與現代科技的完美結合。同期醫療技術供應商展COMPAMED和MEDICA 發揮著協同效應,兩個展分別為各自行業提供源源不斷的動力,共同推動醫療技術的發展。 Read more »
The "International Hospital and Medical Equipment Supplies Exhibition" in Dusseldorf, Germany is a world-renowned comprehensive medical exhibition. It is recognized as the world's largest hospital and medical equipment exhibition, and is ranked by its irreplaceable scale...Read more »
Shanghai Jianzhong is a company specializing in the production of sensory control products. After experiencing the baptism of the new crown epidemic, a war without gunpowder, our company has built a large-scale mask production line, and the stable output of Enpak brand m...Read more »
In recent years, with the rapid development of the domestic pharmaceutical industry, pharmaceutical companies have paid more and more attention to packaging, and the continuous progress of packaging and printing technology, my country’s pharmaceutical packaging output value has shown a tren...Read more »